We all spend hours at smitten kitchen or reading through countless (and flawless) recipes from Elise. I'm alway interested in what Pioneer Woman has on the stove and what her kids are up to. And the photos at 101 Cookbooks and Food Blogga make me drool. There are literally thousands of food blogs out there. It's hard to read them all. I TRY. Here are five food blogs you might not know about, but you should. Seriously.
- Pete Bakes - Check out Pete's recipe for challah bread. People who are not professional bakers make challah bread? Wow. I'm going to try it this week.
- Baker's Banter by King Arthur - Inspiration from the king of flour.
- Eight Acres at Wheatland Vegetable Farm Blog - I love farmers who blog. This one is new.
- The Traveler's Lunch Box - Search for "saganaki."
- The Bitten Word - These guys are making all the recipes you noted in your foodie mags, but still haven't got around to cooking.
A word about the photo: I didn't make it. This delicious quiche was made by Quail Creek Farm. I came across it at the Penn-Quarter Farmers Market. I had already eaten lunch. Sigh.