I've been enjoying my extended holiday, though I haven't done much cooking. Come Monday, I'll get back in my kitchen with a new set of culinary resolutions for the year:
1. Master bread baking (pita, fougasse, challah, English muffins, olive bread) (This didn't go anywhere)
2. Take a knife skills class Done! With Mango and Tomato
3. Cook with squid (Boo!)
4. Drink diet coke as a treat, not as a crazed addiction
5. Eat at the new Sushi Taro (Next week?)
6. Make falafel (Boo!)
7. Visit Atwater’s Bakery in Baltimore
8. Plant a garden (Planted it, but it died.)
9. Cook with swiss chard, celeriac, and cauliflower
10.Eat at Black Salt (Best piece of halibut, ever!)
11.Make lentil soup
12.Learn more about cheese (My brother bought me an awesome book.)
13.Pickle onions, hot peppers, and radishes
14.Eat dinner at The Source (Maybe for my birthday?)
15.Make a pot of baked beans from scratch (Marcus, loved this. Thanks for the beans, Elise)
16.Cook more ethnic food (Middle Eastern, Indian, Thai) (A friend even gave the spices. Oh dear.)
17.Experiment with quail eggs (Took this off the list because of complaints from quail lovers).
18.Visit three local farms that I haven’t been to
19.Quit buying food magazines (or any magazines for that matter) off the rack
20.Start a restaurant club (I'm the loser on this one).
21.Make fig bars (No excuse.)
22.Start cooking with wheat berries (Boo!)
23.Try three new fruit varieties
24.Eat at Faryab (Too far.)
25.Replicate the recipe for the mushroom burger from Eventide (Tried and failed miserably)