I've been waiting for this week to end since....well, since it began. Hey everybody, it's time for the weekend! I don't know what you all have planned, but I'm taking Josie to her first art show. Bonus, it's her Aunty Noel's show. Whip out the black clothes, beret, and paint on a mustache. We are visionary artists!
After enjoying the show, we will head to the farmers market, where I hope to find some rhubarb. I heard a rumor that there was asparagus at the market last week, but I didn't get there in time. Selling out asparagus: crazy! I don't think rhubarb is as popular, but I'm not quite sure if it has made its seasonal debut. I will likely make my annual rhubarb pie. Maybe I'll make these minis? Or some rhubarb poptarts? Or, even better, rhubarb hooch.
Have you seen any rhubarb?