My sister is an aggressive cottage cheese pusher. Not just any cottage cheese. Her preferred brand is Friendship Cottage Cheese. Her commitment to this brand is serious. If you were sitting next to my sister at a party she would talk to you about it for an hour. She would go on about...
How perfect the curd size is.
How it goes both sweet and savory.
How it's so good for you.
How it tastes great with honey.
Why 1 percent (in the pink tub) is the best choice.
You would need an escape route, if it weren't for her enthusiasm, which will totally keep you there, sitting next to her, talking about Friendship Cottage Cheese, enthralled.
Soon you, too, would be eating Friendship Cottage Cheese for breakfast, adding whatever fruit you had in the fruit bowl. Take these figs for example. I plucked a few from my neighbor's fig tree, promising that I would make some jam to share. Instead I took my sister's advice and ate them for breakfast with...yup, you guessed it, Friendship Cottage Cheese. I added a bit of honey from my friend the beekeeper and some pistachios for a little crunch.
My sister is always looking for ideas for what to mix her cottage cheese with. If you have any, do tell.
Also: Friendship Cottage Cheese did not sponsor this post, but my sister would certainly like a free case, if you want to send one along.