Feeding kids isn't that easy.
I found that Josie became pickier as she grew closer to two, but I stuck with serving her a variety of foods, usually what we were eating, and now that she is three, I can see her slowly becoming less picky, I think.
So what helps? What's the secret? Talking to other Moms (and Dads). That's it.
Hearing about how they struggle too. About what dishes have been a hit and what dishes totally bombed. Knowing that some Moms feed their kids eggs for dinner too. Figuring out different ways to cook broccoli because it's one of the only green vegetables your kid will eat.
I want to tell you about a little side project I've been working on with some Moms in my neighborhood. It's a website called Just One Bite. The website is a growing collection of about 80 recipes (you can submit your own here) made with seasonal ingredients from local farms. There are also helpful tips for feeding kids healthy, whole foods.
These recipes have helped me figure out how to make dishes that include tomatoes, broccoli, and bok choy among other vegetables, that we all like as a family.
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